
Bean's New Doo

We finaly had a Pro cut her hair (Thanks Gracie!)
Who knew she could get even cuter!

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The Hanger

So, my friend Matt and I went out and played 35 holes (i know, i know we missed one in the trees somewhere) and on one of the holes i did this on a putt. (insert groan from sore arm trying to type here)

Matt was gracious enough to count it, even though it wasn't technicaly "in" the basket, since it has probably never happened in the 3,542 year history of the sport before today.


Dumbledores Army


I have just lost some friends. It's very sad. I have finished the last Harry Potter book and now i know i will never hear from my friends again. I have been on some amazing, intense adventures with these folks and it's all over.
No mas.
I think i will eventually get over the loss, but i can't even keep up with their lives on Myspace. Well, i probably can, I'm sure they've all got pages but it's not quite the same. Life will go on. I suppose. Maybe not as richly. Maybe not as brightly. But on it shall go on.



Mom will sleep better now

This week I made a very grown up decision.
I sold the bike.
So sad.
Mom will be pleased.
It's mostly OK though.
Now we have a car that can tell us where to find Thai food.

Oddly enough the car get's better milage.
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BBQ and Pool Day

Yup, That pool is a whale. even got a spout. I know you're jealous. (if so, come on over!)
Bean and her buddy.
Can you see the whole story in this picture or what!
Yeah, that's right almost a dozen years (and still eating in the driveway :)
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A Bike For Bean

So, the Bean gave up her pacifier this week (our idea) and we boxed them up to "give to babies who need them" (her adorable idea), so we got her her first real bike!
(yeah, it's a Dora the Explora bike :)

Bean and her bike

this is a link to the web album


North(west)ern Lights

nice lighting out our back window after a rainy day.

The bean , extatic about our bus trip to the saturday market downtown. She liked all the starts and stops. and the coco, and the elephant ears, the hot dog...
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